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HR insights

Changing the approach to resigning workers

Changing the approach to resigning workers

When employees temporarily part ways with work  Ms. Ngoc Anh, who has just left a management position at a media company after 4 years of...

HR insights September 11, 2023

Familiar But Strange - 3 Soft Skills Needed in Digital Context 

Familiar But Strange - 3 Soft Skills Needed in Digital Context 

In the future, it is possible that “soft skills” and “hard skills” will no longer have a clear distinction, as workers need to develop a...

Learning & Development September 11, 2023

Person–centric – the trend of times 

Person–centric – the trend of times 

After numerous factors that directly affect employees, businesses are slightly transitioning the work environment from “People-centric” to “Person-centric”.

Labour trends September 11, 2023

AI Replaces Anyone But HR

AI Replaces Anyone But HR

The power of AI cannot be denied as millions of jobs around the world are being taken over by this technology. Will HR – a...

Socio-economic insights May 23, 2023

The Formidable Rise Of Freelancers In The Labor Market

The Formidable Rise Of Freelancers In The Labor Market

Freelancers are getting more professional than ever and take on many important business tasks.

May 12, 2023

This Valentine's Day – How Can HR “Measure” Employees’ Affection?

This Valentine's Day – How Can HR “Measure” Employees’ Affection?

If we compare the relationship between employees and organizations to a romance, HR is the one to bring empathy and “light a spark” in their...

February 22, 2023

HR’s Role In An Effective ESG Strategy

HR’s Role In An Effective ESG Strategy

According to Talentnet experts, HR can implement the ESG framework and create practical values for the business. 

February 21, 2023

How Pay Transparency Help Retain Talents?

How Pay Transparency Help Retain Talents?

According to the results of the Total Remuneration Survey (TRS) held by Talentnet on October 2022, pay transparency is becoming more popular among employees. For...

December 1, 2022

8 Tips to Manage Human Resources

8 Tips to Manage Human Resources

How manage human resources is the key to ensuring the stable and effective development of an enterprise. Enterprises that want to have good human resources...

November 23, 2022

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