Why is it Difficult to Retain Managers?

June 10, 2021
Recruiting experienced managers is the first step for a company to succeed in the marketplace. However, retaining experienced and competent managers seems to be a challenge to many employers, so what is the reason?

Reasons that cause managers to leave
Working environment effects on leader’s adherence to the company. The un-professional working environment, or conflict in culture and the way of work demotivate managers. Besides, the diverse market for experienced managers, plus competitive compensation and benefits packages are attracting attention of top talents.
Strategies to increase the bond between managers and company
- Offer reasonable compensation and benefits package: It is necessary to know about the salary of the industry. Businesses could refer to professional salary surveys conducted by Mercer to have an overview about the industry pay range to make a reasonable offer to managers.
- Give authority to managers: No managers want to be a “do-er” only. Businesses should empower their managers to make decisions and manage projects. The authority comes with responsibility that motivate managers to be more dedicated in their job.
- Recognition of contributions: Appreciate the achievements and contributions of managers and their team either by verbal praise or monetary reward will help managers see their value to the business.
Businesses also need to identify the problems they are facing regarding managing managers to adopt a suitable HR solution. They can look to consulting agency for more clearly orientation and solution proposal.