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What Does The Boss Do When Employees Receive Bonuses Then Leave The Company?

What Does The Boss Do When Employees Receive Bonuses Then Leave The Company?

Despite being a familiar keyword, “employee engagement" is a potential keyword and needs to be focused on in 2022, according to Talentnet’s CEO – Ms....

March 21, 2022

New Career Opportunities For HR

New Career Opportunities For HR

Even though HR is the one to help employees map out their career paths, they also suffer from the uncertainty in their own career path.

March 21, 2022

Not Only Marketing, Human Resources Also Needs KOLs!

Not Only Marketing, Human Resources Also Needs KOLs!

Who are the KOLs (influencers) in the company? And what is their relationship with HR? How do HR – KOLs fit together like "puzzle" pieces?...

January 17, 2022

HR: House Builder Or Home Maker?

HR: House Builder Or Home Maker?

This question has been decoded by leading HR experts in the 2nd episode of Vietnam HR Awards Podcast. Let’s tune in and explore HR's challenges...

January 11, 2022

Skill-Based Pay: The Business-Culture-Revolutionary Trend In 2022

Skill-Based Pay: The Business-Culture-Revolutionary Trend In 2022

Skill-based pay has become increasingly popular and beneficial to businesses in expanding talent pool, business restructuring, and encouraging learning environment.

January 7, 2022

Employee’s Happiness: Mental Wellness And Financial Wellness Take The Throne In The Post-Pandemic

Employee’s Happiness: Mental Wellness And Financial Wellness Take The Throne In The Post-Pandemic

Physical wellness, mental wellness and financial wellness are the tripods that create a resourceful human resource policy and also the concern of business leaders in...

January 4, 2022

Understand Your Staff’s Needs To Better Plan For Improving Employees’ Satisfaction And Happiness

Understand Your Staff’s Needs To Better Plan For Improving Employees’ Satisfaction And Happiness

Thirty-six percent of young employees are not “excited” about starting a new workday due to the nature of their work or poor relationship with superiors,...

October 10, 2021

#HRTrending - Navigating The Acute Talent Shortage For Digital Transformation: Takeaways From U.S. Businesses

#HRTrending - Navigating The Acute Talent Shortage For Digital Transformation: Takeaways From U.S. Businesses

International enterprises are facing the talent “drought” issue during the digital transforming period. The U.S. – one of the 10 leading countries in digital transformation...

October 1, 2021

Riding The Storm: How HR Tech & People Strategy Deliver Business Outcome

Riding The Storm: How HR Tech & People Strategy Deliver Business Outcome

The speakers had the opportunity to exchange, analyze, and discuss the digitalization trend and necessity of digital transformation, as well as the impact of this...

September 30, 2021

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