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Gen Z Workers Don’t Work For Money But Demand Reasonable Compensation! They Require Freedom But Also Need To Connect With Others

Gen Z Workers Don’t Work For Money But Demand Reasonable Compensation! They Require Freedom But Also Need To Connect With Others

Businesses are encouraged to listen and understand the contradictions of Gen Z (those born in 1995-2012) to better engage these workers and thrive in the...

May 17, 2022

Soft Power: The Strategy To “Soften” The Employees

Soft Power: The Strategy To “Soften” The Employees

In 2022, “soft power” has proven its practicality in managing employees when workers are demanding empathy and respect rather than usual regulations and policies.

May 17, 2022

Company Review: The New Trend That Brings Millions Of Views For HR And Many More Likes For Business

Company Review: The New Trend That Brings Millions Of Views For HR And Many More Likes For Business

With the new trend of revealing their workspace and jobs through vlogs, Gen Z has inadvertently brought back the employer branding competitivity among businesses to...

May 11, 2022

Working In The New Normal: Work From Home Or Office?

Working In The New Normal: Work From Home Or Office?

After Covid-19, some prefer returning to the office, while others find working from home is more effective. For that reason, it is necessary for HR...

May 10, 2022

Solving The Problem Of Recruiting After Covid-19: 2 Scenarios For Businesses

Solving The Problem Of Recruiting After Covid-19: 2 Scenarios For Businesses

According to Talentnet's HR expert, there are several strategic approaches to solve the problem within HR management when the need for workforce expansion in many...

May 10, 2022

How To Relieve Burnout For The HR Department?

How To Relieve Burnout For The HR Department?

Being attentive to the needs of the HR department and Upgrading management tools are two solutions for businesses to support HR overcome the crises.

May 4, 2022

If Your Company Has These Two Policies, Don't Hesitate To "Fall In Love Again"

If Your Company Has These Two Policies, Don't Hesitate To "Fall In Love Again"

Is it worth it to choose a company with only high salary as its competitiveness? No! In 2022, let’s choose a business that can provide...

March 23, 2022

New Career Opportunities For HR

New Career Opportunities For HR

Even though HR is the one to help employees map out their career paths, they also suffer from the uncertainty in their own career path.

Talentnet updates March 21, 2022

Not Only Marketing, Human Resources Also Needs KOLs!

Not Only Marketing, Human Resources Also Needs KOLs!

Who are the KOLs (influencers) in the company? And what is their relationship with HR? How do HR – KOLs fit together like "puzzle" pieces?...

January 17, 2022

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