HR insights

Top 10 Future of Work Skills to Cultivate in Your Workforce

Top 10 Future of Work Skills to Cultivate in Your Workforce

2020 McKinsey & Company study shows that 87% of executives and HR managers are facing or expect to face a major skills gap soon. The...

September 4, 2024

Choosing The Right HRM System For Businesses

Choosing The Right HRM System For Businesses

As your business expands, managing HR tasks can become increasingly challenging. The demands on HR software grow more complex with each new hire and regulatory...

HR insights September 4, 2024

Top Investment Sectors in Vietnam

Top Investment Sectors in Vietnam

Wondering what to invest in Vietnam? Buckle up! Vietnam's economy is racing ahead, making it a magnet for foreign investors eyeing Southeast Asian growth. With...

HR operations August 15, 2024

Why Invest in Vietnam Now?

Why Invest in Vietnam Now?

Why invest in Vietnam now? Imagine tapping into a market of 96 million young, tech-savvy consumers, where GDP growth outpaces global averages and digital adoption...

HR operations August 15, 2024

Why Your Business Needs Regular Payroll Audits

Why Your Business Needs Regular Payroll Audits

Regular payroll audits are not just about catching errors—they're your shield against financial pitfalls, legal troubles, and employee dissatisfaction. By conducting these audits, you're not...

HR operations August 15, 2024

Recruitment Process Outsourcing Steps

Recruitment Process Outsourcing Steps

Is your business struggling to find top talent using the same old recruiting methods? It may be time to rethink your approach to hiring. Discovering...

HR operations August 7, 2024

Person-Focused Pay: What Your Business Needs to Know

Person-Focused Pay: What Your Business Needs to Know

Person-based pay offers a fresh approach to compensation that can drive employee growth and organizational flexibility. By tying compensation to individual skill acquisition, this model...

HR operations August 7, 2024

How to Choose the Perfect RPO Partner: Your Ultimate Checklist

How to Choose the Perfect RPO Partner: Your Ultimate Checklist

Choosing the right RPO partner is the most effective way for organizations to reduce recruitment costs and optimize hiring processes in the long run. By...

HR operations August 7, 2024

5 Types of RPO: Find the Right Recruitment Solution

5 Types of RPO: Find the Right Recruitment Solution

Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) has become a game-changer for many businesses. It offers a way to streamline hiring, improve candidate quality, and reduce costs. But...

HR operations August 7, 2024

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