How to Build an Effective Leadership Development Program?

August 24, 2021
Leadership development is a program to increase individuals' ability to fulfill their leadership duties efficiently in an organization. It focuses on strengthening and enhancing the ability of professionals to take on essential duties in a company. As a result, leaders of an organization can have a clear picture of their career developments and align their goals with the organization’s strategies. Let’s go through 4 basic steps to build a good leadership development program.

Step 1: Outline the organization’s leadership objectives
The key to a good leadership program is a clearly defined pursuit of leadership objectives. Consider the following criteria in the development of a leadership program:
- The organization’s short- and long-term strategic objectives;
- Current or anticipated shortcomings in management;
- The important leadership characteristics for the organization;
- Alignment of the leadership program with the development and needs of the organization;
- The anticipated results of the leadership programs in your company.
Step 2: Focus on development
While the goal is to develop leaders, the method of implementing a leadership program should not focus on teaching about leadership abilities. A leadership program’s focal point is to encourage people to improve their talents rather than to be instructed. Leadership should be cultivated through work experiences and real-life circumstances. The program framework should offer participants the chance to learn and develop as leaders. This helps individuals gain skills to become more effective leaders.
Step 3: Choose potential leaders
It is not simple to identify potential leaders. While the most common practice is to concentrate on top achievers, it will not necessarily be the correct choices for leader positions. The efficiency of work does not always mean superior management abilities. It is vital that the few picked have the capacity to develop as organizational leaders. Depending on the needs and the culture of each organization, criteria for choosing potential leaders should be developed accordingly. Some suggestions for criteria are 360-degree feedback, work experience, raw intelligence, ethical attributes, drive and determination.
Step 4: Evaluate program’s performance
Feedback is a vital part of the construction of a successful management development program. Some of the criteria that might help measure a program’s performance include:
- Number of staff that are successful in completing the management program;
- Number of successful promotions among the staff involved in the program;
- Effectiveness of the employees’ leadership abilities;
- Business performance after leadership development.
In developing business culture, leadership development programs have proved their importance in improving staff productivity and employee retention. It will impact the organization optimistically and function as an important morale booster.
As you are taking steps to develop or sharpen leadership development programs, it is crucial to have a trusted partner with solid expertise by your side. Talentnet, as the leading HR service provider in Vietnam, supports organizations to be more responsive with the market by providing the prevalence of workforce strategies in different business scales. Our senior consultants with grounded expertise to tailor best-fit HR strategies and approaches in different business contexts are ready to assist you.