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Risks Of BPO And How You Can Avoid Them

July 24, 2024

BPO can save money and make work easier, but it can also hurt your business if not done right. To get the most out of BPO, you need to know not just what to do, but what risks of business process outsourcing to watch out for.

Risks Of BPO And How You Can Avoid Them

BPO has become a popular strategy for companies looking to streamline operations and reduce costs. However, like any business strategy, it comes with its own set of risks. By looking closely at the risks of business process outsourcing and finding ways to deal with them, businesses can do more than just avoid problems. They can build a strong partnership that helps them work better and stay ahead of competitors. Let’s explore the main risks associated with BPO and discuss effective strategies to avoid them.

Misaligned expectations

BPO arrangements can face significant risks when the client and vendor have disparate strategic objectives or a misaligned understanding of the project scope. This misalignment often stems from inadequate due diligence during the vendor selection process, leading to a partnership that fails to align with the client’s long-term business goals. Moreover, poorly defined project boundaries can result in scope creep, where the vendor’s responsibilities gradually expand beyond the original agreement, leading to increased costs and diminished returns on investment.

To mitigate these risks, organizations must invest in comprehensive vendor evaluation and selection processes.

  • Detailed Statement of Work (SOW) with clearly defined deliverables
  • Change Control Board (CCB) to evaluate and approve scope modifications
  • Regular cadence meetings using RACI (Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, Informed) matrix
  • Utilization of project management tools like Jira or Trello for real-time progress tracking
  • Regular governance meetings and open, two-way communication channels enable ongoing alignment and provide opportunities to address any deviations from the agreed-upon scope.

Ineffective resource planning

Ineffective resource planning is another common risk of BPO, particularly when it comes to assembling a team with the necessary skills and expertise to deliver the required services. This can lead to delays, quality issues, and increased costs.

Practical avoidance strategies:

  • Implement a phased transition approach, starting with non-critical processes to test the waters.
  • Establish a joint governance committee with the BPO provider to oversee resource allocation and skill development.
  • Develop a detailed resource scaling plan that accounts for seasonal fluctuations and potential growth scenarios.
  • Implement regular skills audits and training programs to ensure the BPO team’s capabilities evolve with your organization’s needs.

Consider implementing a shared talent pool model with your BPO provider. This approach allows for greater flexibility in resource allocation and can help mitigate the risk of skill shortages during peak periods or unexpected surges in demand.

Disadvantages of business process outsourcing
Disadvantages of business process outsourcing

Loss of control

Outsourcing certain processes or functions can sometimes lead to a loss of control and visibility for the client organization. This can be particularly problematic when it comes to critical business processes or sensitive data.

To maintain oversight and control, it’s important to establish a clear framework for decision-making authority and escalation. This may involve designating specific individuals or teams on both the client and vendor sides who are responsible for managing the outsourcing relationship and making key decisions.

Regular reporting and monitoring can also help to provide visibility into the outsourced processes and ensure that they are being executed according to the agreed-upon standards and metrics.  

In some cases, it may be necessary to retain certain key functions or processes in-house, rather than outsourcing them entirely. This can help to maintain control over critical areas while still leveraging the benefits of BPO for other non-core functions.

Data security risks

In an era of increasing cyber threats and stringent data protection regulations, safeguarding sensitive information is paramount. A data breach or leak can have serious consequences for both the client and the vendor, including reputational damage, legal liabilities, and financial losses.

Robust security measures:

  • Conduct a thorough security audit of the BPO provider’s infrastructure, including physical and digital security measures.
  • Implement end-to-end encryption for all data transfers between your organization and the BPO provider.
  • Develop a comprehensive Data Protection Agreement (DPA) that outlines data handling procedures, breach notification protocols, and liability clauses.
  • Implement a zero-trust security model, requiring continuous verification for all users, devices, and applications accessing your data.
  • Conduct regular joint security drills and simulations to test the effectiveness of breach response procedures.

Contractual risks

Contractual risks can arise when there are misunderstandings about BPO or ambiguities in the terms and conditions of the outsourcing agreement. This can lead to disputes, delays, and additional costs for both parties.


  • Engage legal experts specializing in BPO contracts to review and negotiate terms.
  • Develop a detailed Statement of Work (SOW) that clearly defines scope, deliverables, and performance expectations.
  • Include clauses for continuous improvement, innovation, and technology upgrades to ensure the BPO relationship evolves with your needs.
  • Implement a formal contract review process, including periodic reassessments of terms and conditions.
  • Establish clear exit clauses and transition support requirements to minimize disruption if the relationship needs to be terminated.

Lack of expertise in outsourced tasks

There is a risk that the vendor team may lack the necessary expertise or experience to deliver the required level of service. This can lead to inefficiencies, errors, and subpar outcomes.

Proactive mitigation approaches:

  • Conduct a detailed capability assessment of the BPO provider, including on-site visits and interviews with key personnel.
  • Implement a robust knowledge transfer program, including documentation of processes, training sessions, and shadowing opportunities.
  • Establish a Center of Excellence (CoE) within your organization to maintain in-house expertise and oversee the quality of outsourced work.
  • Develop a joint innovation roadmap with the BPO provider to ensure continuous skill development and process improvement.
  • Implement a mentorship program pairing in-house experts with BPO team members to facilitate ongoing knowledge sharing.

Advanced consideration: Consider establishing a joint R&D initiative with your BPO provider to develop innovative solutions tailored to your industry. This can help ensure the provider’s expertise remains cutting-edge and aligned with your evolving needs.

Quality risks

Outsourcing can sometimes lead to a decline in the quality of services or products delivered to end-users or customers. This can be due to a variety of factors, such as inadequate training, lack of oversight, or misaligned incentives.

Practical avoidance strategies:

  • Develop a comprehensive Quality Management System (QMS) that aligns with industry standards such as ISO 9001.
  • Implement a robust performance monitoring framework with real-time dashboards and analytics.
  • Conduct regular quality audits, including mystery shopping and customer feedback analysis.
  • Establish a continuous improvement program with incentives for the BPO provider to exceed quality targets.
  • Implement a rigorous root cause analysis process for all quality issues, with joint accountability for resolutions.
  • Explore the implementation of AI-powered quality monitoring tools that can analyze customer interactions in real-time, providing instant feedback and identifying areas for improvement.
Challenges facing business process outsourcing
Challenges facing business process outsourcing

Hidden costs

There is also a risk of hidden costs that can erode these benefits over time. These may include costs associated with vendor management, transition, or termination, as well as costs related to quality issues or service disruptions.

Risk Mitigation Strategies:

  • Conduct a comprehensive Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) analysis before entering into a BPO agreement.
  • Implement a detailed cost tracking system that captures both direct and indirect costs associated with the BPO relationship.
  • Establish a joint cost optimization committee to identify and implement efficiency improvements continuously.
  • Develop a flexible pricing model that allows for adjustments based on volume fluctuations and service level changes.
  • Implement regular benchmark studies to ensure the BPO arrangement remains cost-competitive.
  • Consider implementing a gain-sharing model where cost savings achieved beyond agreed-upon targets are shared between your organization and the BPO provider. This can incentivize ongoing efficiency improvements and align financial interests.

Provider dependence

Over-reliance on a single BPO provider can become a significant risk, particularly if that provider fails to deliver the required services or goes out of business. This can lead to service disruptions, increased costs, and other negative impacts on the client’s business.

To avoid quality risks, it’s important to have contingency plans in place for alternative providers or in-house capabilities.

It may also be beneficial to diversify outsourcing partners, rather than relying on a single provider for all outsourced functions. 

Regular performance monitoring and risk assessments can also help to identify potential issues with a provider before they become critical. 

Change management risks

Transitioning to different types of BPO can be a significant change for the client organization, and can disrupt existing operations and workflows. This can lead to resistance or confusion among employees, as well as potential service disruptions for end-users or customers.

To mitigate change management risks, it’s important to carefully plan and execute any transitions to minimize disruption and ensure continuity of service. This may involve developing a detailed transition plan, communicating the changes to all relevant stakeholders, and providing training and support to employees affected by the transition.

Consider the cultural and organizational implications of outsourcing, and to ensure that the vendor’s values and practices align with those of the client organization.  

Regular monitoring and evaluation of the outsourcing arrangement can help to identify any issues or challenges related to change management, and allow for course corrections as needed.  

Contractual and legal risks

Outsourcing business processes to providers abroad exposes companies to numerous legal and compliance risks. If these risks are not managed effectively, companies may encounter expensive legal battles, harm to their brand image, and fines from regulatory bodies.

Mitigation strategies:

  • Engage local legal counsel in the BPO provider’s jurisdiction.
  • Implement a compliance management system with real-time monitoring.
  • Conduct quarterly compliance reviews and annual comprehensive audits.
  • Establish a joint governance committee to address evolving legal landscapes.
  • Develop a detailed exit strategy, including data transfer and employee transition plans.

To handle challenges facing business process outsourcing well, you need to do more than just pick a good vendor. Choosing a BPO partner that has done well with BPO before, knows your industry well, and likes to try new things like you do. Remember, the right BPO partner isn’t just someone you hire – they’re a team that can help your business grow and do better in a tough market.

Talentnet is an experienced outsourcing partner that has worked in many different industries, making sure to always provide high-quality service. We provide a wide range of business outsourcing solutions, supported by a large pool of talented people and fast response times. Our dedication to excellence and efficiency makes us a dependable choice for companies that want to simplify their operations.

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