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L&D – The Strategic Approach For Talent Recruitment & Retention

L&D – The Strategic Approach For Talent Recruitment & Retention

April 8, 2021

According to L&D Report (HR Learning and Development) from Findcourses, organizations which focus on L&D have 22% lower employee turnover rate, 72% market leaders use L&D in recruitment and development strategies.

L&D – The Strategic Approach For Talent Recruitment & Retention

Effective L&D program is the priority of new workforce

According to Ucademy survey, employees’ demand for expertise training has risen 38% in 2020. This is because the Covid-19 pandemic has forced employees to adapt with new working ways & job requirements. Moreover, 87% of Millennials perceive “clear career development plan” as a crucial factor when choosing a job.


L&D tips for business to attract talents

Digitized training activities
Many large corporates and small businesses have made effort to expand their digital training platform. Online training is more interesting as employees can enjoy games and even virtual reality classes.

Agile and diverse L&D model
Training program should provide updated knowledge, which means business needs to forecast the skills required for each job type. However, if companies do not have in-house L&D department, they can work with HR agency to develop suitable expertise evaluation plan for L&D activities.

Specialized training program for HR professionals and leaders
If businesses have not found out a specific L&D strategy for themselves, specialized L&D for HR team and senior leaders could be a good start. Business could cooperate with professional L&D service providers such as Viet Human Capital Management Institute (Viet HCMI), SHRI, CPID, etc. to develop a bespoke L&D program that suits their needs.

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