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Letter to the Leaders: Are You a Good Leader for Employees to Trust in the Storm?

Letter to the Leaders: Are You a Good Leader for Employees to Trust in the Storm?

June 30, 2021

Good leaders see opportunities in the crisis. But when you face difficulties, are you going to find solutions or struggle in the chaos?

Letter to the Leaders: Are You a Good Leader for Employees to Trust in the Storm?
Good leaders see opportunities in the crisis. But when you face difficulties, are you going to find solutions or struggle in the chaos?

The train derailed because the locomotive deviated

The pandemic has affected not only the health of human but also the business. According to a statistic from the Ho Chi Minh City Department of Science and Technology, in 2020 approximately 5,200 enterprises completed dissolution in 11 months, a staggering 16% increase over the same period in 2019(1).

Enterprises easily fall into a state of struggle if leaders do not master crisis response skills. While leaders focus on financial problems, they neglected the “human” factor, which causes employees to lose connection with the company.

Another reason is the overload of adminsitration work. For example, HR department is loaded with mountain of paperwork while struggling to manage workforce during pandemic can lead to the loss of a “wise adviser” in HR management for businesses.

Good leaders rise from hardship

The uncertainty period is the time for businesses to redefine the portrait of a good leader. Firstly, salary calculation and payment should be given top priority, a survey by Kronos(2) has indicated that 49% of employees will look for a new job after having a wages problem twice. To avoid this, leaders should consider payroll outsourcing services.

Letter to the leaders: Are you a good leader for employees to trust in the storm?


Nowadays, large and small enterprises are taking notice of payroll outsourcing, as it optimizes cost, streamline the process and keeps business information confidential.

Ms Nguyễn Thị Thanh Hương – Talentnet Deputy CEO

The following skill is to know how to delegate tasks to the right person, at the same time reduce the load of small things for employees to focus on the bigger picture. Ms Hương explained: “During the pandemic period, jobs that can be handled by outsourced services should be utilized so that the workforce can focus on core tasks that cannot be replaced by anyone else.”

Among long-term and strategic vision, the ability to empower and use the right people are key competencies that make a good leader firmly lead the company to overcome the crisis.

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