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Vietnam's Tax System for Foreign Workers: What You Need to Understand

Vietnam's Tax System for Foreign Workers: What You Need to Understand

Foreign workers in Vietnam are subject to specific tax regulations. Understanding the rules of tax in Vietnam for foreigners is crucial for both individuals and...

HR operations May 3, 2024

Integrating Benefits Surveys into HR Strategy

Integrating Benefits Surveys into HR Strategy

Happy teams work better and stay longer. A simple survey can transform your HR strategy. By integrating benefits surveys into your HR strategy, you can...

Rewards May 2, 2024

How To Develop a Remuneration Strategy: A Comprehensive Guide for HR Professionals

How To Develop a Remuneration Strategy: A Comprehensive Guide for HR Professionals

Salaries, bonuses, and benefits aren't just expenses; they're strategic investments. Understanding the link between fair compensation and company success sets the stage for developing an...

Rewards May 2, 2024

Exploring Benefits Surveys & Why It Matter

Exploring Benefits Surveys & Why It Matter

Designing and managing an effective employee benefits package is no small feat for HR professionals. With an array of options to choose from and limited...

Rewards April 26, 2024

What Is Talentnet-Mercer Total Remuneration Survey Report: All You Need to Know

What Is Talentnet-Mercer Total Remuneration Survey Report: All You Need to Know

In today's competitive job market, offering fair pay is key to keeping your best workers and bringing in new talent. But how do you know...

Rewards April 26, 2024

Essential Considerations For Labor Regulation Registration In Vietnam 

Essential Considerations For Labor Regulation Registration In Vietnam 

The process of submitting internal regulations to the Internal Labor Authorities can take from 8 to 12 working days, depending on the specific agency. However,...

HR operations April 25, 2024

3 Ways For Young Employees To Get Their Ideal Job

3 Ways For Young Employees To Get Their Ideal Job

Finding the ideal job is a topic that attracts the attention of many young employees.

Employee experience April 24, 2024

3 Common Misconceptions About Business Processes Outsourcing Of Vietnamese Enterprises

3 Common Misconceptions About Business Processes Outsourcing Of Vietnamese Enterprises

" Misconceptions about cost, commitment to efficiency as well as security of outsourced services, especially business process outsourcing, can cause businesses to miss a valuable...

HR operations April 9, 2024

How Much Salary Is Enough For The Growth Of Happiness Of Employees 

How Much Salary Is Enough For The Growth Of Happiness Of Employees 

Every 1 happiness point increase on a scale of 0-10 increases employee productivity by 12%.

Employee experience March 26, 2024

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