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Talentnet Now On Linkedin

Talentnet Now On Linkedin

September 17, 2012

Talentnet is very excited to announce the launch of our company profile now on Linkedin. This is acknowledged as a second channel beside our website to communicate with those who are interested in our company and services. 

Talentnet Now On Linkedin

12 September 2012
Dear Mr/Ms.,
Talentnet is very excited to announce the launch of our company profile now on Linkedin. This is acknowledged as a second channel beside our website to communicate with those who are interested in our company and services. You can visit this link to see our new home on Linkedin:

Link: Talentnet Now On Linkedin

Furthermore, with the desire to connect closer with our respected clients and professionals, bringing more information and up-to-date market to them, we have built specialised discussion group on Linkedin:

“Talentnet – Leverage Your Career Path” – group for managerial people

Link: Talentnet – Leverage Your Career Path

With 17 years of working experience in Executive Search Services in Vietnam, we understand clearly the common concerns of professionals in managerial roles, particularly career change, having up-to-date information about the local market, employee management and relationships, other soft skills…

As a result, we set up the LinkedIn group “Talentent – Leverage Your Career Path” to provide an effective interface formanagerial people to network with peers and professionals, giving participants an opportunity to share, learn and seek solutions for these and any other management concerns.

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