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Vietnam HR Awards Podcast: "Matters That Matter" - The Very First Podcast Series In Vietnam By HR, For HR & Talking Beyond!

Vietnam HR Awards Podcast: "Matters That Matter" - The Very First Podcast Series In Vietnam By HR, For HR & Talking Beyond!

December 27, 2021

The very first podcast series in Vietnam by HR, for HR & talking beyond!

Vietnam HR Awards Podcast series has been officially launched from Dec 30th, 2021!


Episode 1: Resourceful HR: from why to how? VNHRA Podcast_Episode 1


Through the sharing of our guest speakers, we have discovered why, and how HR and organizations can build a resourceful HR strategy that satisfies employee demands on physical, mental, and financial wellness. Furthermore, our speakers also discussed what mindset do the employees need to be successful in the new now.

Read the full recap HERE.


Episode 2: HR: House Builder or Home Maker? VNHRA Podcast_Episode 1


The episode features humble confessions from HR leaders about their chosen careers. Through those, we have explored the ups and downs, twists and turns of the HR department and determined the needed skills for HR to thrive among hardship and uncertainties. Deep down the road, our 03 guest speakers also shared their views on their own approach to future HR: a mix of both, centering on the people, or building a strong foundation first, then revolving around the people.

Read the full recap HERE.



Episode 3: Who is HR’s KOL in the company?VNHRA Podcast_Episode 1

And DON’T MISS OUT on the 3rd episode either! Because we will have 03 HR leaders from Fashion Garments, Home Credit, and Nestlé to discuss the topic “Who is the HR’s KOLs in the company?” and find out how both HR and organizations shift from “temporary fire-fighting” to sustainable “fire-resistant”, and move forward as a whole with the help of KOLs from various departments!

Read the full recap HERE.



Vietnam HR Awards Podcast - Matters That Matter

What’s in it for Vietnam HR Awards Podcast?

There is no doubt that the pandemic has bolstered the influence of HR on business sustainability, especially when all employers and employees have been thrown into chaos and uncertainty. While playing the key role in helping business navigate the challenges, there has been also many ups and downs, twists and turns, successes and failures worth listening to and learning. Vietnam HR Awards Podcast is missioned to explore all those little pieces that matter through:

  • 6+ HR experts from leading enterprises with hands-on experience in building award-winning people strategies
  • 3+ C-level leaders across industries with diverse perspectives about people-centric business
  • 3+ topics to answer just 3 questions that trigger not just the HR community, but also non-HR individuals who aim to be happier and more valued at work
  • Myriad thought-provoking ideas to transform your business starting from its core: your people

Why Podcast?

As simple as its theme “Matters that Matter”, we’ve made a hard choice to shift our focus back to the basic. We tell the hand-picked stories that matter to you and your business, while you can choose to listen whenever you can, at your own pace and interest.

But more than that, instead of going loud and beyond, we want to go deep down inside to learn what truly matters to HR people, business leaders after a long haul of the pandemic.

We believe they have stories to tell, feelings to express, and innermost thoughts that they want others to understand. And podcast would be a perfect approach to genuinely deliver all of that to the community.

Vietnam HR Awards Podcast
Vietnam HR Awards Podcast - Matters That Matter

With the wide range of topics discussed in the podcast series, from the relationship of HR and other stakeholders in the company, to what is employee’s total well-being, we believe Vietnam HR Awards Podcast can give you somehow the answer for what you are wondering about your work life, even when you are a professional HR practitioner or simply a worker.

Tune in NOW!

The first episode of Vietnam HR Awards Podcast with the topic “Resourceful HR: from why to how?”, discussing 3 key aspects that today’s employees are especially interested in, namely: physical wellness, mental wellness, and financial wellness; and further elaborate the condition for an comprehensive HR strategy that benefits the sustainable growth of both organizations and the employees. 

Continue the story of building a resourceful HR, this second episode of Vietnam HR Awards Podcast with the topic “HR: House Builder or Home Maker?“, three HR leaders from top companies will confess their untold stories as HR, discuss the hardship and needed skills for leaders to go beyond, and exchange views on the approach to HR strategy in the future: whether to prioritize business sustainability or employee stability.

And DON’T MISS OUT on the 3rd episode either! Because we will have 03 HR leaders from Fashion Garments, Home Credit, and Nestlé to discuss the topic “Who is the HR’s KOLs in the company?” and find out how both HR and organizations shift from “temporary fire-fighting” to sustainable “fire-resistant”, and move forward as a whole with the help of KOLs from various departments!

You can listen to Vietnam HR Awards Podcast on Vietnam HR Awards Facebook, Talentnet’s Spotify, Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, and Youtube; as well as on the podcast application VoizFM.

Thank you SeABank, Dragon Capital, and VoizFM for supporting us in this initiative. Follow us on Vietnam HR Awards Fanpage for the latest updates!

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