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Get Your Buisness Moving During Covid-19 Pandemic: Here's What Your HR Strategy Need!

Get Your Buisness Moving During Covid-19 Pandemic: Here's What Your HR Strategy Need!

May 19, 2020

Coronavirus has put a stop to the normal routines of business lifestyle and operation.

Get Your Buisness Moving During Covid-19 Pandemic: Here's What Your HR Strategy Need!

Coronavirus has put a stop to the normal routines of business lifestyle and operation. The more proactively your HR team can respond, the quicker the business can recover and thrive. The article outlines some of the recommendations from experts to help the way-out journey be as stress free as possible.

Get your buisness moving during Covid-19 pandemic

“The transformation to a hybrid remote working needs coordinating across HR, IT and operations – but underlying this the people issues are the most important. So it is HR’s chance to shine.”- said Mr. Colin Blackwell – Chairman the HR Committee VBF

For the original article with full insights, please click HERE.


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