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Responsive HR Strategy: "For The First Time, Being Disconcerted May Be Because Of Covid-19, But Let It Happen For The Second Time Will Surely Be The Managers' Faults"

Responsive HR Strategy: "For The First Time, Being Disconcerted May Be Because Of Covid-19, But Let It Happen For The Second Time Will Surely Be The Managers' Faults"

September 3, 2020

Being swept by the second wave of Covid-19 in the time when businesses are slowly rehabiliating threatens to pose a heavy burden on HR once again.

Responsive HR Strategy: "For The First Time, Being Disconcerted May Be Because Of Covid-19, But Let It Happen For The Second Time Will Surely Be The Managers' Faults"

Responsive HR strategy

Being swept by the second wave of Covid-19 in the time when businesses are slowly rehabiliating threatens to pose a heavy burden on HR once again. But this time, thanks to the “training” from the first wave of Covid-19, managerial levels are expected to response faster, more flexible and professional. Businesses can prepare to overcome the second wave of Covid-19 in 4 steps: prepare a system to assess and manage employees, promote employees’ strength, care for mental well-being of employees, and jump on the bandwagon with the crisis instead of hoping it will soon pass.

Thiên Kim

Source: Cafebiz

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