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Culture & Workplace

DEI: "Blind Spots" Prejudice

DEI: "Blind Spots" Prejudice

Businesses know the importance of diversity and equality in the working environment. However, unconscious biases still exist, such as prejudice against Gen Z's low resilience,...

July 14, 2024

The Role Of Forecasting In Workforce Management

The Role Of Forecasting In Workforce Management

Staying ahead means knowing what's coming. Workforce forecasting is like having a roadmap for your company's talent needs. It's not just a nice-to-have; it's a...

July 14, 2024

The Importance of Mental Health in the Workplace

The Importance of Mental Health in the Workplace

Just as physical health is essential for an employee to perform their duties effectively, mental health is equally important in the workplace. As HR professionals,...

June 18, 2024

How To Create Employee Engagement 

How To Create Employee Engagement 

Total reward policies, evoking the spirit of improving working efficiency ... will help employees reduce pressure in work and engage with businesses

May 25, 2024

Job Hopping Millennials: Know Your Limits 

Job Hopping Millennials: Know Your Limits 

In recent years, job hopping is considered a trend for young workers

May 25, 2024

3 Ways For Young Employees To Get Their Ideal Job

3 Ways For Young Employees To Get Their Ideal Job

Finding the ideal job is a topic that attracts the attention of many young employees.

April 24, 2024

How Much Salary Is Enough For The Growth Of Happiness Of Employees 

How Much Salary Is Enough For The Growth Of Happiness Of Employees 

Every 1 happiness point increase on a scale of 0-10 increases employee productivity by 12%.

March 26, 2024

Top 5 Best HR Outsourcing Companies in Vietnam in 2024

Top 5 Best HR Outsourcing Companies in Vietnam in 2024

Outsourcing HR functions to external specialists can boost operational efficiency, lower costs, and enable strategic focus for companies. However, finding the best HR outsourcing companies...

January 23, 2024

How to Choose the Right Staffing Service for Your Business Needs

How to Choose the Right Staffing Service for Your Business Needs

With the job market more competitive than ever, 75% of companies struggle to efficiently identify and hire qualified talent suited for highly specialized roles. That's...

January 12, 2024

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