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Green Workforce: A Crucial Strategy In The Green Economy

Green Workforce: A Crucial Strategy In The Green Economy

The transition to a green economy presents both a challenge and an opportunity for businesses of all kinds. Embracing this shift not only helps in...

July 31, 2024

The Challenges and Opportunities of Sustainable Business Innovation

The Challenges and Opportunities of Sustainable Business Innovation

The increasing awareness of social and environmental pressures on companies are driving sustainable business innovation. Rather than see sustainability as a burden, forward-thinking companies are...

November 30, 2023

The role of HR professionals in change and innovation of organizations

The role of HR professionals in change and innovation of organizations

As the modern-day business landscape continues to evolve, companies face a myriad of challenges from fast technological changes, increasing competition, and customer demands. To remain...

September 27, 2023

Leveraging Talentnet’s HR Expertise: Talent Acquisition for Strategic Success

Leveraging Talentnet’s HR Expertise: Talent Acquisition for Strategic Success

In the world of business, talent acquisition plays a pivotal role in strategic success. With 25+ years of expertise, unparalleled industry knowledge, and access to...

September 19, 2023

Highlights of “CEO Chat: Aligning Tech & People for Sustainable Growth”

Highlights of “CEO Chat: Aligning Tech & People for Sustainable Growth”

On 15th June, Talentnet and Mercer successfully organized an event for C-level leaders in Ho Chi Minh City under the theme “CEO Chat: Aligning Tech...

July 14, 2023

Highlights of ‘Rethink & Reimagine Workforce Landscape in Danang’ Seminar

Highlights of ‘Rethink & Reimagine Workforce Landscape in Danang’ Seminar

On March 14th, Talentnet in collaboration with AmCham Danang successfully organized a seminar for the business community in Danang under the theme "Rethink & Reimagine...

March 15, 2023

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