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Talent retention

Why Executive Retained Search Recruiting Is Worth The Investment

Why Executive Retained Search Recruiting Is Worth The Investment

The talent pool seems to be shrinking, and companies are finding it increasingly difficult to source candidates with the necessary expertise and experience. As businesses...

October 18, 2023

Solutions for Talent Shortage: Strategic Recruitment

Solutions for Talent Shortage: Strategic Recruitment

The escalating talent shortage crisis is a significant hurdle for businesses across industries. It's not just an operational challenge, but a strategic issue demanding immediate...

September 11, 2023

Workshop: Developing Physical And Mental Health Program - Multiple Perspectives From Practical Implementation

Workshop: Developing Physical And Mental Health Program - Multiple Perspectives From Practical Implementation

Employee health is the top concern of businesses in the new context. So, how are businesses implementing their health benefits policies?

September 8, 2023

The Mid-year Talent Trend Report 2023 By Talentnet Corporation

The Mid-year Talent Trend Report 2023 By Talentnet Corporation

The report shared a variety of impressive data about the recruitment trend, talent retention strategies, and allocation of human resources budgets of business in Vietnam...

August 29, 2023

Quiet Hiring: New Strategy For Your Employees

Quiet Hiring: New Strategy For Your Employees

Hiring after layoffs is unavoidable. However, the recruiting strategy is changing: returning to the internal workforce – a potential resource that HR could ask for. 

March 28, 2023

This Valentine's Day – How Can HR “Measure” Employees’ Affection?

This Valentine's Day – How Can HR “Measure” Employees’ Affection?

If we compare the relationship between employees and organizations to a romance, HR is the one to bring empathy and “light a spark” in their...

February 22, 2023

The Importance Of Building A Corporate Culture

The Importance Of Building A Corporate Culture

Corporate culture is the factor that helps businesses survive and develop stably and firmly in today's market. This confirms the importance of building a corporate...

November 7, 2022

3P Salary: The Most Standard Way Of Calculating Salary For Employees

3P Salary: The Most Standard Way Of Calculating Salary For Employees

3P salary system is a form of paying salary according to the work performance and capacity of employees. This is considered to be the most...

October 17, 2022

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