HR consulting services

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Need more consulting?

We know there are plenty of services, but we can tailor them to meet your demands. Contact us to find the best-fit solution.

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Our offering

Salary structure consulting
Bonus allocation
Benefit scheme design & review
Performance management system
Downsizing & restructuring HR consulting
Employee engagement snapshot survey
Mettl: Assessment solutions
Emergenetics: The thinking & behavioral test
Salary structure consulting
Bonus allocation
Benefit scheme design & review
Performance management system
Downsizing & restructuring HR consulting
Employee engagement snapshot survey
Mettl: Assessment solutions
Emergenetics: The thinking & behavioral test

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Our latest insights


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    Get in touch with one of our experts.
    Or call (+84 28) 6291 4188

    Meet our team

    Ms. Nguyễn Thị Quỳnh Phương

    Ms. Nguyễn Thị Quỳnh Phương

    HR Consulting Director
    Mr. Chhun Sophanarong

    Mr. Chhun Sophanarong

    Human Capital Solutions Supervisor – Cambodia Branch

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